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Learn Selector Layer Principles

A selector layer contains code responsible for querying records from the database. Although you can place SOQL queries in other layers, a few things can happen as the complexity of your code grows. ~ Salesforce

In terms of Separation of Concerns, a Selector concerns itself with providing the following:

  • Visibility, reusability, and maintainability - The selector makes it easy to find and maintain database query logic.
  • Predictability of queried data - It must be clear what the selector is doing in the method name and what it’s returning.
  • Security - Provide a means for the caller to opt in or opt out (for system level scenarios) of security checks that enforce sharing and permissions applied to the current user context.
  • Platform sympathy - Make queries as optimal as possible, mainly expressing criteria via sets, thus encouraging the caller to be bulkified in its code when calling the selector methods.


  1. Additional level of abstraction - The selector layer is an additional level of abstraction that gives you the possibility to control the execution of SQOL.
  2. Mocking - Selector classes give a possibility to mock return values in unit tests.
    • Mock external objects (__x) - External objects cannot be inserted in unit tests. You need to mock them.
    • Mock custom metadata - Custom metadata cannot be inserted in unit tests unless the developer uses the Metadata API. Mock can be a solution.
  3. Control field-level security - The best practice is to execute SOQLs WITH USER_MODE to enforce field-level security and object permissions of the running user. The selector layer can apply WITH USER_MODE by default to all of the queries, so the developer does not need to care about it. Developers can also add WITH SYSTEM_MODE to all SOQLs from a specific selector.
  4. Control sharings rules - The selector allows to execute of different methods in the same class in different sharing modes.
  5. Avoid duplicates - Generic SQOLs like getById, and getByRecordType can be stored in the selector class.
  6. Default configuration - The selector class can provide default SOQL configuration like default fields, FLS settings, and sharing rules.